






Hey Poques!

Thought I’d give you a little backstory on how this all came to be… My name is Mandy Rondeau, PHS Class of 1996. The first thing I need to get off my chest is that I came to Poquoson at the age of 10. That’s right, I’m a move-in. I feel lucky to have lived in other places around the country and world, but then got to experience growing up in a town with such significant roots. Some of my best friends to this day have the last name Watkins, Diggs and Forrest, so there’s a little cred.  I went on to marry my high school sweetheart, Anthony Rondeau, who won a baby contest at the firehouse, so he is fully legit.
In the summer of 2023, I was talking to an old friend from high school about the adventures we had growing up. Our conversation was serious and mature in nature (sarcasm) as is usually the tone when talking with childhood friends. Somewhere in that conversation I accidentally coined the phrase Poques for Life. We kind of laughed about it and then I told her, “I’m going to make T-shirts for us.”
Anthony and I later shared this conversation with our extended family at my parents’ dinner table in Poquoson and they agreed that this would be totally fun and another way to connect the people of or from Poquoson. We all know that if anything, we are proud of our unique little town. If you’ve lived there, you understand fully and that makes you a Poque…for life!
Colleen…I made us some shirts!